In article <>, 
tm@tmoero.invalid says...
> ST wrote:
> > tm wrote:
> > > ST wrote:
> > >>I was hoping they would be a place where people could debate issues, 
> > > In the soc.culture ngs? Is too laugh.
> > > 
> > >>share news, ask questions. Instead I get the impression that it is more 
> > >>like a  place for those nutty street corner preacher types and "the end 
> > >>is coming" folks (not to mention angry teenagers). Too bad.
> > 
> > TM, are there any newsgroups that have a higher quality content?
> Yes. Many. Just avoid the soc.culture ngs, they are a sewer of 
> crossposted nonsense.
> What issues do you want to debate?
I suggest rec.skiing.alpine.  A far more civilized group.

