FreddieN wrote:

> "Eric Takabayashi" <> wrote in message
> > Aletheia wrote:
> >
> > > Wanting to have blonde hair, blue eyes, whiter skin, and being tall
> > > is not something only Japanese people wish to have.
> > >
> > > Even American people themselves wish they were born with blonde
> > > hair and blue eyes.  Especially, American women.
> >
> > You mean, especially mainly Caucasian women, who might look natural, even
> if they use artificial means such as bleach
> > or colored contacts, to look "more" White?
> >
> > > In fact, blonde hair is something that every human-being wish they
> > > were born with.
> >
> > Really? I wish my hair could either stay black, or turn white in
> interesting streaks or only at the temples.
> >
> > > Japanese people are very honest about their feelings,
> >
> > So tell us how to be sure Japanese actually mean "yes" or "no",
> particularly in a professional or diplomatic
> > situation.
> >
> > > whereas Chinese people just pervert everything to make Japanese look bad
> >
> > You're a bigot. But since you have a western sounding name, I doubt you'll
> get as much trouble.
> Why a bigot?  It's true.

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We found 15 dictionaries with English
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1. bigotry : Merriam-Webster's Online
Dictionary, 10th Edition [home, info]
2. bigotry : Encartaィ World English
Dictionary, North American Edition [home,
3. bigotry : Cambridge International
Dictionary of English [home, info]
4. bigotry : The American Heritageィ
Dictionary of the English Language [home,
5. bigotry : Infoplease Dictionary [home,
6. bigotry : [home, info]
7. bigotry : Cambridge Dictionary of American
English [home, info]
8. Bigotry : Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
[home, info]
9. Bigotry : Online Plain Text English
Dictionary [home, info]
10. bigotry : Webster's Revised Unabridged,
1913 Edition [home, info]
11. bigotry : Rhymezone [home, info]
12. Bigotry : Multi-Lingual
Dictionary [home, info]
13. bigotry : Webster's 1828 Dictionary
[home, info]
14. bigotry : WordNet 1.7 Vocabulary Helper
[home, info]
15. bigotry : LookWAYup Translating
Dictionary/Thesaurus [home, info]

a sampling of the first entries:

Main Entry: big痂t疵y
Pronunciation: 'bi-g&-trE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ries
1 : the state of mind of a bigot
2 : acts or beliefs characteristic of a bigot

Main Entry: big痂t
Pronunciation: 'bi-g&t
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, hypocrite, bigot
: a person obstinately or intolerantly
devoted to his or her own opinions and
- big痂t疇d  /-g&-t&d/ adjective
- big痂t疇d疝y adverb
