"Kay" <nospam@nos.com> wrote in message
> "USA" <USA@aol.com> wrote in
> news:6XFKa.355$b_3.44039360@newssvr15.news.prodigy.com:
> >
> > "Austin P. So (Hae Jin)" <haejin@netinfo.ubc.ca> wrote in message
> > news:bdf4uc$7r7$5@nntp.itservices.ubc.ca...
> >> "USA" <USA@aol.com> wrote in message
> >> news:oW6Ka.10354$N%6.72@nwrdny02.gnilink.net...
> >> >
> >> > "Austin P. So (Hae Jin)" <haejin@netinfo.ubc.ca> wrote in message
> >> > news:bd7gu0$34l$4@nntp.itservices.ubc.ca...
> >> > >
> >> > > "USA" <USA@aol.com> wrote in message
> >> > > news:cPFIa.1192$L11.207@newssvr16.news.prodigy.com...
> > The US no longer indiscriminately bombs civilian centers.
> > It's a shame that North Korea does not feel that way...don't you
> > think?.
> Very interesting point, USA.  Apparently, I have
> missed today's news.  When and where did NK
> bomb?  Did they kill thousands of people in the
> process?
> Wow!  You gotta tell us the whole story!
You know Kay, if there is more than one way to comprehend a sentence in
English, you will ALWAYS choose
the ircorrect way. Why is that?
Anyone who follows the news, even a retard like you Kay, is aware that
NKorea has threatened to turn
Seoul into a "Sea of Fire" and Japan into a "Sea of Blood". They have also
directly threatened the United States.
When has the US ever threatened to bomb a civilian center Kay?
The US hasn't done so since WWII. It is costly, it is inefficient, it causes
far more destruction and loss of life
than is necessary to accoomplish the objectives.

> >> the lives
> > of americans and
> >> the rest of humanity. Afterall, didn't you say they were all
> >> brainwashed
> > into hating americans?
> >>
> > Well that's just wonderful Austin, you can consider then FAMILY for
> > the rest of your life.
> > And if things go south and the Artillary starts hitting Seoul and it
> > turns into a "Sea of Fire"
> > hope you still feel that way.
> >
> >> > I have a need to be part of the crowd??? Funny everyone else seems
> >> > to
> >> think
> >> > I am way out there on my own.
> >> What "choice" did arab-americans and japanese-americans make? Both
> >> were interned/incarcerated based on ethnicity alone. This *despite*
> >> their allegiance to the flag. This *despite* the fact that many JAs
> >> fought
> > against
> >> the Japanese and Germans for the US.
> >>
> >
> > What choice do you think they made Austin?
> >
> >> > Maybe not maybe yes, But the US has probably made more strides to
> >> eliminate
> >> > racism than most other countries.
> Actually, USA is right.  US has made a lot of
> progress in this regard, despite the all out
> effort against it from the conservatives.
> >> ROFL~!
> >> Austin
> > Oh you are laughing...well...is racial
> > discrimination a crime under
> > the laws of the ROK?
> Remember, though, the conservatives did not
> want to pass the law, your conservatives, that is

Austin "Foul Mouth" Pee seems to have crawled back under his rock.
Maybe you can enlightenb me Kay...are their laws on the books in ROK that
make discrimination on the basis of race or religion illega, as they are in
the US??.