"Kay" <nospam@nospam.net> wrote in message
> In article <365fcc52.0306090950.5f03797f@posting.google.com>,
> kaz@ivebeenframed.com says...
> >
> >"Kay" <nospam@nospam.net> wrote in message news:Qk2Fa.18$6W4.31935@news.
> >uswest.net...
> >> In article <365fcc52.0306082248.ac7b784@posting.google.com>, kaz@ivebe
> >enframed.com says...
> >
> >> For how long have Japanese despised Koreans?  For ages,
> >> Japanese called the Koreans "senjin" in derogative way.
> >
> >I forgot to mention. I think calling Koreans as that is pretty fair
> >since Koreans are also calling us with the derogative term as
> >"joppari" for centuries ever since the ancient times.
> My friend, There is nothing fair about this.
> Two wrongs do not make it right. Koreans calling
> Japanese "jokpari" is wrong.  Japanese calling
> Koreans "senjin" is also wrong.  Both are wrong, amigo.

Did you ever notice that it's the Korean posters, not all mind you, who are
always going
on about the "japs" and "wae" and hating them?
Have you noticed that there are never any japanese posters doing the same
towards koreans?