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4752007/07/04Japanese MSWord QuerySharptongue <sharptongue@ozemail.com.au>
4742007/07/03MS Mincho in Western Character DOS?JR <jriker1@yahoo.com>
4732007/06/24Re: Translation helpChristopher Creutzig <christopher@creutzig.de>
4722007/06/23Re: Translation helpmee <goldrunt@gmail.com>
4712007/06/15Translation helpdmaceri@gmail.com
4702007/05/31Re: japanese ufo in California?"Richard Crist" <ptero@bestweb.net>
4692007/05/31Re: japanese ufo in California?"GABA" <kagejiro1@yahoo.co.jp>
4682007/05/30japanese ufo in California?"Richard Crist" <ptero@bestweb.net>
4672007/05/05Re: I need your help!zoey <kate.x.monster@gmail.com>
4662007/05/05Re: I need your help!Jim Breen <jimbreen@gmail.com>
4652007/05/04Re: I need your help!"Grzegorz K." <grego69@gazeta.pl>
4642007/05/04Re: I need your help!Jim Breen <jimbreen@gmail.com>
4632007/05/04I need your help!"Grzegorz K." <grego69@gazeta.pl>
4622007/04/18For sale in Provence (South of France)sitopro.com<sitopro@cmabio.com>
4612007/04/02Re: Contemporary colloquialisms"Kyle Goetz" <kyle.goetz@mail.utexas.edu>
4602007/04/02Re: Contemporary colloquialisms"Kyle Goetz" <kyle.goetz@mail.utexas.edu>
4592007/04/02Re: $B8@$C$H$/(B"Kyle Goetz" <kyle.goetz@mail.utexas.edu>
4582007/04/02Re: Tattoo Translation?"Kyle Goetz" <kyle.goetz@mail.utexas.edu>
4562007/03/23Move to sci.lang.japan (Was: Re: is this group still active?)Jim Breen <jwb@csse.monash.edu.au>
4552007/03/23Re: is this group still active?pta@nize.nu
4542007/03/22$B4Z9q$N?M$G$9(B"littledancer" <popopai69@hotmail.com>
4532007/03/21Re: is this group still active?Annie <anniek@infoseek.jp>
4522007/03/21Re: is this group still active?Lawson English <LawsonE@nowhere.none>
4512007/03/20Re: is this group still active?Annie <anniek@infoseek.jp>
4502007/03/20is this group still active?Lawson English <LawsonE@nowhere.none>
4492007/03/13RE: Password for japanese.html change.terrybenet4043@gentech.com
4482007/03/08Seo , Search Engine Optimizer , Seo Search engine Optimization , search engine optimization services, SEO ConsultingSe0 Guy<seo@yourseoconsulting.com>
4372007/02/13Make 1million in 6 weeks or lessSam Wortzberg<cheekymontrosity@yahoo.com>

Fnews-list 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <mwe@ccsf.jp>
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