Re: Kosen Judo
Uzytkownik "Shigeharu TAKENO" <> napisal w wiadomosci
:: 1) Many of Japanese high school and junior high school have
: "budo-jo", which is the place to play "judo", "kendo", "karate"
: fighting, and have classes of judo (but not so long and many),
: hence many of Japanese have experience of judo fight (but most of
: them are not so strong of course ;-)). In the class we learn
: "Kodokan" style judo.
Tell me, in schools in Japan (high school, junior high school etc.) only
that three martial arts are teaching??? And what about ju-jutsu, aikido
meaby you know? And how is with other martial arts (korean MA, chinese MA,
box, thai box, bjj, savate) in Japan? They' re popular, or not???
Krzysztof Kalinski
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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