Hello :)

: > I have one small question. If in Japan are schools, which are teaching
: > Judo? With "ne-waza" as priority...
: I think there is no lecture of "kosen" style judo in any school,
: but some universities have judo clubs doing "kosen" style judo.

So in that clubs people fighting on the ground and in stand up positions??
Or only ne-waza is practise? And how do You think, kosen judo will be still
learn in Your country, or it will slightly "die"?? People in Japan prefer
normal (olimpic) judo, or kosen?

: For example, Shichitei Judo. "Shichitei" means seven (famous)
: universities in Japan, Hokkaido Univ.,Tohoku Univ.,Tokyo Univ.,
: Nagoya Univ.,Kyoto Univ.,Osaka Univ.,Kyushu Univ. Judo clubs of
: these universities are doing judo by "kosen" judo rule, but the
: rule (they call "Shichitei" rule) may be slightly little
: different from old "kosen" judo rule. I think the reason why the
: "kosen" style judo remains in such universities is that they had
: many graduated students of "kosen"s.
: # I played it in Osaka Univ.
: There are some private judo clubs doing "kosen" judo. For
: example, see:
: http://www.gws.ne.jp/home/demo2/indexe.html

Thanks. I live in small coutnry, where kosen dont exist (only normal
"version" of judo), so Im looking for some materials about it.

Big thanks for the answer, and greetings from Poland :)