In article <sVvNb.139724$> 
".Qzi" <> wrote:

> : I think there is no lecture of "kosen" style judo in any school,
> : but some universities have judo clubs doing "kosen" style judo.
> So in that clubs people fighting on the ground and in stand up positions??

Both may be. In our university, we practiced only stand up style 
"randori" ("tachi-waza randori"), only ground style "randori" 
("ne-waza randori", and no restricted "randori". But main 
practice was ground style, and most of us did "ne-waza" at no 
restricted "randori".

> Or only ne-waza is practise? And how do You think, kosen judo will be still
> learn in Your country, or it will slightly "die"?? People in Japan prefer
> normal (olimpic) judo, or kosen?

"Kosen" style judo is not a popular in Japan. Most of Japanese 
judo player's style is "Kodokan" (normal) judo style. People who
studied "kosen" are very old now, so original "kosen" judo may be
dying. However, some groups (not many), such Shichitei judo club,
are doing "ne-waza" maily judo even now and "kosen" judo video or 
DVD are also sold.
 (Sorry, Japanese only)

> Thanks. I live in small coutnry, where kosen dont exist (only normal
> "version" of judo), so Im looking for some materials about it.

# Japan is also small ;-)

Of course "ne-waza" is important even in normal version of judo,
and I think it can be learnt "newaza" in every Judo club. In 
Japan it is said that "ne-waza" and "tachi-waza" are wheels of a
car, (the "car" means the japanese old car by human effort, which
had only two wheel), and both are need to be more strong.

 Shigeharu TAKENO     NIigata Institute of Technology
                       kashiwazaki,Niigata 945-1195 JAPAN   TEL(&FAX): +81-257-22-8161