Uzytkownik "Shigeharu TAKENO" <> napisal w wiadomosci
: > Or only ne-waza is practise? And how do You think, kosen judo will be
: > learn in Your country, or it will slightly "die"?? People in Japan
: > normal (olimpic) judo, or kosen?
: "Kosen" style judo is not a popular in Japan. Most of Japanese
: judo player's style is "Kodokan" (normal) judo style. People who
: studied "kosen" are very old now, so original "kosen" judo may be
: dying. However, some groups (not many), such Shichitei judo club,
: are doing "ne-waza" maily judo even now and "kosen" judo video or
: DVD are also sold.

But why? Look, now where most popular are i.e. brasilian jiu-jitsu, sambo -
ground styles, why in (normal) judo ne-waza isn't popular like stand up
fighting??? Its for people who watching judo in TV? For them ground fighting
is boring?? Or meaby its too difficult to judgement??? (But I dont think so)
How do You think??

: # Japan is also small ;-)

But how many people living in Japan??? ;)

: Of course "ne-waza" is important even in normal version of judo,
: and I think it can be learnt "newaza" in every Judo club. In
: Japan it is said that "ne-waza" and "tachi-waza" are wheels of a
: car, (the "car" means the japanese old car by human effort, which
: had only two wheel), and both are need to be more strong.

Ouuu yes, thats true. But (al least in clubs here) judo is equal stand up
fighting. Ground fighting almost dont exists (only in some academical clubs,
but "tachi-waza" is still most important). So we have good fighters, but
with "only one wheel" ;)


Krzysztof Kalinski