In article <l7ZNb.164601$>
".Qzi" <> wrote:

> : "Kosen" style judo is not a popular in Japan. Most of Japanese
> : judo player's style is "Kodokan" (normal) judo style. People who
> But why? Look, now where most popular are i.e. brasilian jiu-jitsu, sambo -
> ground styles, why in (normal) judo ne-waza isn't popular like stand up

They are spreading also in Japan, but are not popular as well as 
judo in Japan, I think. There are some reasons. 

1) Many of Japanese high school and junior high school have 
"budo-jo", which is the place to play "judo", "kendo", "karate" 
fighting, and have classes of judo (but not so long and many), 
hence many of Japanese have experience of judo fight (but most of
them are not so strong of course ;-)). In the class we learn 
"Kodokan" style judo.

2) "Kosen" judo game stopped by USA after World War II. After 
that judo games started under "Kodokan" association, and have 
spreaded judo as sports very widely in the world. Of course, 
"ne-waza" is included in "Kodokan" judo, but "tachi-waza" is 
more impressive than "ne-waza", so player practiced "tachi-waza" 
mainly, and rule have gone toward to such a way.

3) Many of judo club of high school or university are doing
"Kodokan" style judo, which connects to the Olympic game. Most
strong judo player can fight on Olympic stage and he will be the
hero when he wins. Almost all judo player dreams to fight on 
Olympic stage, and almost all judo game in Japan is done by 
"Kodokan" (or international) rule. 

4) Originally "Judo" means "Kodokan" judo by Jigoro Kano. He 
combinated some "jiu-jitsu", especially the "tachi-waza" jiu
-jitsu and "ne-waza" jiu-jitsu, and extended to his "Judo". So, 
"jiu-jitsu" is not "Judo". So, Japanese may think "Judo" as 
"Kodokan" judo usually. "Kosen" judo is also judo, but I heard
there was opposition about their rule.

5) The history of viewing (mainly on TV) of "ne-waza" fighting is
shorter than the one of viewing of "Kodokan" judo for almost all 

> fighting??? Its for people who watching judo in TV? For them ground fighting
> is boring?? Or meaby its too difficult to judgement??? (But I dont think so)
> How do You think??

For almost all Japanese, it is more boring and difficult than
"tachi-waza" judo, I think. 

> Ouuu yes, thats true. But (al least in clubs here) judo is equal stand up
> fighting. Ground fighting almost dont exists (only in some academical clubs,
> but "tachi-waza" is still most important). So we have good fighters, but
> with "only one wheel" ;)

I think it is not gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood! But 
unfortunately it may be true that judo attracts audiences by 
"tachi-waza", not "ne-waza" usually (also me until entered to the 
judo club of our university).

 Shigeharu TAKENO     NIigata Institute of Technology
                       kashiwazaki,Niigata 945-1195 JAPAN   TEL(&FAX): +81-257-22-8161