Raj Feridun wrote:

> So you DO want to discuss the death penalty then?

No, I'm just curious why you say something is, because it just so happens to be the law, and are
perfectly happy with it, while explicitly disregarding it not being so elsewhere for anyone else.
Texas is not New Jersey. Japan is not the US. And people who get justice are not those who do not
or cannot.

This is why you cannot simply say the law is, because that is how the US Constitution was meant
to be. How is it really put into practice? And why should any imperfections not be considered for
improvement if not change?

> >> The system is fair.
> >For everyone? Have you not noticed any discrepancies based on say, ethnicity or economic
> >conditions? Or geography? Can everyone get what OJ got (or did not get)?
> See above. It's a shame that a black jury saw fit to acquit based on
> race. "To err is human; to forgive, divine".

What "black" jury? Doesn't the acquittal have to be unanimous? And I'm talking about people who
are not so fortunate as OJ, such as poor people who can't afford good help, and minorities who
may get bad deals.

> >> I said I was perfectly happy with the system.
> >Then YOU should be the one required to "live with" and "deal with" the system that claims to
> >punish or kill (federal law extends to NJ, no?) on your behalf.
> I do live with the system.

Then you cannot claim to be so "disgusted" with its "errors" such as criminals going free or
people not properly tried being jailed for decades or executed. Who is responsible for that
system? I don't blame the founding fathers. Those who can do something about it, but do not, such
as politicians or the body of voters, are to blame.

> >> I ALSO said I was as disgusted with the mistakes as you are.
> >And are too lazy to even be critical.
> It took you this long to start the namecalling?
> >> I still haven't heard one. I don't blame the system.
> >Because you are too lazy to even think on your own.
> I think it's really sad that you feel that way.

It's sad most people are too ignorant to see the legal system, among others, needs improvement,
and that something needs to be done about it, because it's hard to see how it will be improved