On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 06:27:13 GMT, "Rykk"
<NospamIshnar@nospamhotmail.nospamcom> brought down from the Mount
tablets inscribed:

>Mr. Smith wrote:
>> "Michael Cash" <mikecash@buggerallspammers.com> wrote in message
>> news:k980t0hhmfdi4fpu78lqkg3bn17vp34dop@4ax.com...
>>> On Mon, 27 Dec 2004 21:44:04 +1000, windsor <fake@none.com> brought
>>>> Depth of rapport with the interviewer is also important.
>>> That's a very pleasant way of rephrasing "sucking up".
>> that's silly, "sucking up" is usually a poor way to impress someone
>> at an interview. It usually means you don't have anything interesting
>> to say and you are easily intimidated.
>Unfortunately that would be me.  Not that I am so much intimidated the 
>person as by the act of attempting to establish rapport.  It isn't that I 
>have nothing to say either, but that I am completely uninterested in all 
>non-functional conversation.  So as long as the conversation is pertinant I 
>do fine.  But if it turns to something trivial such as the weather, or 
>personal, "I had a baby yesterday," then I am filled wave of disinterest.  I 
>have absolutely no idea how to respond to these completely irrelevant 
>remarks.  Interviews seem to involve one non-sequitor after another.

Then actually doing the eikaiwa grind would just seem like one
extremely protracted Interview From Hell for you.


Michael Cash

"I am sorry, Mr. Cash, but we are unable to accept your rap sheet in lieu of
a high school transcript."

                                Dr. Howard Sprague
                                Dean of Admissions
                                Mount Pilot College