On Mon, 27 Dec 2004 21:44:04 +1000, windsor <fake@none.com> brought
down from the Mount tablets inscribed:

>>>>Actually, all that is needed
>>>>is any sort of visa allowing employment, a pulse, and the ability to
>>>>tie a necktie. The latter requirement can be waived if you have a
>>>>presentable clip-on.
>>>Nova rejects around 40-50% of applicants, so that's alot of people 
>>>without a pulse.
>> Or without a presentable clip-on, more likely.
>> You don't have to be a genius to work at Nova, but you do have to be
>> presentable.
>Depth of rapport with the interviewer is also important.

That's a very pleasant way of rephrasing "sucking up".


Michael Cash

"I am sorry, Mr. Cash, but we are unable to accept your rap sheet in lieu of
a high school transcript."

                                Dr. Howard Sprague
                                Dean of Admissions
                                Mount Pilot College