On Tue, 02 Nov 2004 20:45:06 +0900, Eric Takabayashi
<etakajp@yahoo.co.jp> brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:

>Raj Feridun wrote:
>> He screwed himself while attempting to wriggle out of his sex scandal.
>> My personal opinion is that he should not have been put into a
>> defensive position to begin with. His sex life is HIS business noone
>> else's.
>That can be argued of the common man.
>But is not personal character being argued as relevant to fitness to govern
>on this thread?

I'm only trying to steer the rhetoric back to the actual facts. I hope
I haven't inadvertently strayed into the minefield you mention.


Michael Cash

"I am sorry, Mr. Cash, but we are unable to accept your rap sheet in lieu of
a high school transcript."

                                Dr. Howard Sprague
                                Dean of Admissions
                                Mount Pilot College