"min10011" <min10011@hotmail.com> wrote 
> "Curtis Desjardins" <iloveyumifukawa@hanmail.net> wrote 
> > grunt100@msn.com (grunt100@msn.com) wrote >
> > > Can you quote case(s) of, quote, a very good amount of Korean
> > > people in Korean and Japanese newsgroups who blame the MODERN
> > > Japanese for what happened in WWII, unquote.
> > >
> > > Make your specific case.  You broadly accuse "Korean people
> > > blame modern day Japanese for what happened in WWII," but
> > > you do not have quote specific cases where such accusations
> > > were done.  That is, you blow hot air without substance.  Make
> > > your case.
> >
> > Here's MY case. I'd say quote about 50% of my over-40 students are
> > openly hostile towards Japan and the Japanese. Neither do they
> > distinguish between those actually responsible for the atrocities they
> > accuse the Japanese of committing during WWII, and those Japanese who
> > were not even born at the time of the atrocities. I personally have
> > not heard any Korean over 40 say anything remotely kind about the
> > Japanese people. Ever. unquote.
> >
> > Good enough? Or do personal anecdotes not count? (If you're waiting
> > for sociological studies, don't hold your breath...)
> I've heard many older Koreans express favorable views of the Japanese.  Even
> on this board.  You need to get over things, Curtis, and lose the 'tude.

What 'tude? grunt kept saying make a case, make a case, make a case.
So I did.
I gave him personal, anecdotal evidence. I made no moral judgements
about what I said, I simply stated exactly what the people I have
_talked_to_personally_ have said to me. They are not second-hand
experiences. They are first-hand experiences.

So, you have met older Koreans with favourable views of Japan. Good
for you. I haven't (or if I have, they have not made those views known
to me or their fellow students in class). I'm sure they exist, but I
personally haven't heard any.

As for older Koreans on this newsgroup, with very few exceptions, I
don't know anyone's age here. Who here is over 40 and Korean?


No soup for you!