( wrote > 
> Can you quote case(s) of, quote, a very good amount of Korean 
> people in Korean and Japanese newsgroups who blame the MODERN 
> Japanese for what happened in WWII, unquote.  
> Make your specific case.  You broadly accuse "Korean people
> blame modern day Japanese for what happened in WWII," but
> you do not have quote specific cases where such accusations
> were done.  That is, you blow hot air without substance.  Make
> your case.

Here's MY case. I'd say quote about 50% of my over-40 students are
openly hostile towards Japan and the Japanese. Neither do they
distinguish between those actually responsible for the atrocities they
accuse the Japanese of committing during WWII, and those Japanese who
were not even born at the time of the atrocities. I personally have
not heard any Korean over 40 say anything remotely kind about the
Japanese people. Ever. unquote.

Good enough? Or do personal anecdotes not count? (If you're waiting
for sociological studies, don't hold your breath...)


No soup for you!