In article <>,
Curtis Desjardins <> wrote:
>Here's MY case. I'd say quote about 50% of my over-40 students are
>openly hostile towards Japan and the Japanese. Neither do they
>distinguish between those actually responsible for the atrocities they
>accuse the Japanese of committing during WWII, and those Japanese who
>were not even born at the time of the atrocities. I personally have
>not heard any Korean over 40 say anything remotely kind about the
>Japanese people. Ever. unquote.

i'd agree.  well over 50% of the koreans above the age of 40 that i have 
met in korea use the term "il bon nom" when talking about anyone 
japanese...could be a japanese pitcher on tv, could be a japanese movie 
star, whatever.  it's not "oh that il bon saram"'s almost always 
"ah...he's an il bon nom huh?"  

personally?  i think it's pretty funny.

i suppose the resentment is unfounded (especially if the japanese person 
wasn't even born during the time of the atrocities) but otoh, the 40+ 
year old korean male doesn't really harbor any ill feeling towards hideo 
nomo or kazuhisa ishii on tv...he's using a derogatory term to describe 
his feeling about the person's race.  it's slightly different.  if the 
korean guy met nomo in person, he would not say "i hate you because 
you're japanese"...he's more likely to say something like "i have the 
japanese because of what they did to our country".  the lack of apology 
from japan doesn't help either.

RVD...The Whole F'n Show
i was bored one day and ended up making
"you pencil neck geek" - Classie Freddie Blassie RIP