( wrote in message news:<>...
> (Makoto Taniguchi) wrote in message news:<>...
> > > Quote a case quote, an example of blaming Japanese for Korean
> > > own internal crisis, unquote.  No, I don't know what you are
> > > talking about.  What about dysfunctional family, violent dad,
> > > shouting mom, divided family, what about it?
> > 
> > I meant that there are some Koreans who are still pissed off at the
> > modern Japanese because of WWII when they should be pissed at the
> > Japanese government instead of the modern citizens of today.
> I perceived it, and again and again you show evidence of a complete
> lack of grasp of what you may want to talk about in soc.culture.korean.
> Case in point, you mention WWII.  You have written in some other 
> post that you didn't fight war.  Do you think that WWII is a major
> contention point here?

look buddy, I said it once and I will say it again, I am just saying
that there are a very good amount of Korean people in Korean and
Japanese newsgroups who blame the MODERN Japanese for what happened in
WWII. I am saying that OUR generation didn't do jacksquat and that
they should blame the Japanese Government instead of us. I am
wondering if you're the one who cannot grasp what I meant.