On 20 Jun 2003 08:52:56 -0700, iloveyumifukawa@hanmail.net (Curtis
Desjardins) wrote:

>What 'tude? grunt kept saying make a case, make a case, make a case.
>So I did.
>I gave him personal, anecdotal evidence. I made no moral judgements
>about what I said, I simply stated exactly what the people I have
>_talked_to_personally_ have said to me. They are not second-hand
>experiences. They are first-hand experiences.
>So, you have met older Koreans with favourable views of Japan. Good
>for you. I haven't (or if I have, they have not made those views known
>to me or their fellow students in class). I'm sure they exist, but I
>personally haven't heard any.
>As for older Koreans on this newsgroup, with very few exceptions, I
>don't know anyone's age here. Who here is over 40 and Korean?


My parents never expressed anti-Japanese thoughts, feelings, etc.
I've come across one Korean in my entire life who has expressed
dislike of Japan. But then again, I've never asked. 

>No soup for you!

As important as knowing the premises of why something is
possible is knowing the premises of why you believe something is