Re: Politicians block comic over 'fake' Nanjing Massacre tale
On 10/22/2004 9:55 PM, Eric Takabayashi wrote:
> Scott Reynolds wrote:
>>>The punishment is not extralegal abuse, if it is the law.
>>So holding people "without charge or trial" is the law?
> It can be made the law, or at least the same excuses to hold foreigners or Americans
> finding themselves on the wrong side of the battlefield, could be used on Americans who do
> such as abuse prisoners.
It is not the law, and can only be made the law if we decide to discard
the US constitution.
Of course the holding of Americans without charge or trial was illegal,
as the Supreme Court has duly ruled. And when it comes to the similar
treatment of foreigners, that is illegal under international law, as
pretty much the entire civilized world outside of the White House seems
to recognize.
Just because you can get away with something does not make it right, nor
does it make it the law.
Scott Reynolds
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