in article ckvgi9$jfl$, Scott Reynolds at wrote on 10/18/04 1:24 PM:

> On 10/18/2004 6:28 AM, Ernest Schaal wrote:
>> in article, Eric Takabayashi at
>> wrote on 10/17/04 11:31 PM:
>>> "m.yoshida" wrote:
>>>> Ernest will ask a question: "Eric, which passport do you have, the US or
>>>> Japanese?"
>>> US, of course. But I am one of those people who believe it is more
>>> meaningful
>>> to know about (some of) the flaws of their own country, and still choose to
>>> love it, than to be someone who merely obeys or believes what they are told.
>> I wasn't going to ask that question, since I knew he was an American, an
>> American who hates America and particularly hates white Americans.
> Funny. Eric has never given me that impression, and I have been reading
> his posts for a long time.

I didn't think so either at first, but many of his recent messages seem to
focus his rage at White Americans in general. I don't know, maybe something
has happened recently to cause that bent in his thinking.