"m.yoshida" wrote:

> > Masayuki,
> >
> > Are you denying that the Chinese consider the Japanese actions to be rape,
> > massacre, and war crimes?
> I will answer your question after you answer my question, okay?

I'd like to know when the US will bow to foreigners' opinions to recognize any US
actions past or present, to be rape, massacre, or war crimes, to go so far as to
use those terms in our own language and history books, in the way Japanese are
expected to condemn themselves.

> > Do you really believe that the Chinese think the Japanese Army was "gentle"
> > with them?
> I will answer the above question after I get your answer, okay Mr. Ernest?

Okinawans do not seem to believe that either army was gentle with them, despite
the fact the damage could have been far worse. After all, two thirds of the
population of the main island remained alive, and 80 percent of the island is
still available for civilian use. But pouring flaming gasoline or throwing
grenades into civilian cave shelters or rape in Okinawa are not recognized as war
crimes, and many kids in the US go without hearing of it.

 "I'm on top of the world right now, because everyone's going to know that I can
shove more than three burgers in my mouth!"