On 10/19/2004 7:17 PM, Eric Takabayashi wrote:
> Scott Reynolds wrote:
>>>I don't hate America. I love America despite knowing (some of) its flaws, which is
>>>more meaningful than being completely ignorant or blindly obedient.
>>I agree. I wish more people thought like you do on this topic.
> People like Ernest and other posters I have encountered think it means I am some sort
> of traitor, for example, saying that Homeland Security should be interested in me.

It must feel kinda strange having the right wingers coming after you
like that. I mean, aren't you usually being criticized for being too
conservative in your views on social policy?

> And when I can see "white" viewpoints it means to Asians that I am an Uncle Tom or
> banana, or have a white dick in my mouth.

You're just getting it coming and going, it would seem.

Scott Reynolds                                      sar@gol.com