"Madra Dubh" <ccaine@worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
> "Ryan Ginstrom" <ginstrom@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> > Yes, that is interesting. I wonder how far south in Kyushu she is from.
> Down around Sasebo way.

Cool, I thought that particular locution was confined to Okinawa. Looks like
they talk like that in Kagoshima as well. There are other similarities in
dialect, so I suppose that's not suprising.

I did get the woman part right though, didn't I? Don't worry though, as long
as your accent is that bad nobody will look at you funny for talking like a

> I was not attempting to spell the words in Romanji.
> I was writing it phonetically and had eschewed the use of such niceties as

I can see leaving sounds off, but adding them?

> You life-in-japaners do seem to be an uptight bunch, snoots in the air and
> all that (not to be offensive).

Hey, you're the one getting your back up over your shitty accent.

Ryan Ginstrom