On Thu, 22 Jan 2004 10:41:20 +0900, "Ryan Ginstrom"
<ginstrom@hotmail.com> wrote:

>> You life-in-japaners do seem to be an uptight bunch, snoots in the air and
>> all that (not to be offensive).

It is absolutely amazing that he should say that because (not to be
offensive or anything) I was just thinking the EXACT same thing about
the SCS group! Isn't that weird?!

It seems like a lot of stuffy chaps with sticks shoved up their asses
and big anti-American chips on their shoulders.

But that's just me. It's weird how we all see things differently.

>Hey, you're the one getting your back up over your shitty accent.

Yeah, I have to say I found his comments to be very snooty.