Ernest Schaal wrote:

> in article, Eric Takabayashi at
> wrote on 2/19/05 8:56 PM:
> >> I would take the word of someone who had never been to Japan and knew no
> >> Japanese, but had seen the Japanese masters than rely on someone like you,
> >> who claims to be fluent but admits a general lack of knowledge about those
> >> masters, or Japanese cinema in general.
> >
> > A simple visit to the domestic section of the video store will tell one that
> > the mere handful of directors or works you mention do not represent what
> > Japanese cinema are in general, and I do not know why you cannot admit it.
> > Hey, did you know that the live action genre also includes kiddy fare, work
> > which treats girls and women as objects, and a hell of a lot of porn? Even you
> > will tell us that "good" only "occasionally" comes from Japanese cinema.
> Eric,
> I don't know if your otaku obsession with anime

What obsession with anime? It is you demonstrating an obsession with a handful of
directors or movies, as if it meant something about another entire genre of work
with its own merits which you disregard.

> is effecting your reading ability, but I never say that all live action genre in
> Japan is good, nor do I think that.

If you disagree that less than 10% is not cliched AND also good (or that less than
20% of the total is good), what is your own estimation?

> I merely said that you, who had already admits a gross
> ignorance on the topic, discounted live action genre in favor of anime.

When? Where? Did you notice me saying I was NOT claiming anime to be better than
movies? What I was discounting was the vast majority of movies not worth watching,
which is also true of TV, anime and manga. "Good" only "occasionally" comes from
Japanese cinema, remember?

> The tone of your messages is all to reminiscent of other statements I have
> heard from otaku of the anime genre. If that is you life, how sad.

Fiction has little to do with my life, and at the moment, movies of the mainly
action or dramatic genre are my preferred form of fiction. I hope you clinging to
your superficial knowledge of some notable Japanese directors or movies as if it
meant something important does not represent any aspect of your personality or
life. Are you sure your retirement was not too early?