Ernest Schaal wrote:

> >Car makers are not trying to kill.
> But they are trying to make a product that they know will be indirectly
> responsible for a multitude of deaths.

So? You smoking or driving are also indirectly responsible for deaths. Would you
like to be prosecuted, too?

The US Army (like others) killed deliberately and is directly responsible for
death. But at worst six soldiers who apparently took part in an atrocity before I
was born, get called "jerks" deserving "court martial" by you, because they
disgraced the US.

Damn, you are a hard man, lawyer. So what of all the other American killers and
killings you claim to be "murder"?

> > People could debate about those responsible for the Ford Pinto or tobacco
> > manufacturers, however.
> Notice that I said "ALL automobile makers (not only the makers of unsafe
> vehicles)."

Then you again make the wrong assumption about my view or how I should think.

 "I'm on top of the world right now, because everyone's going to know that I can
shove more than three burgers in my mouth!"