Ryan Ginstrom wrote:

> "Eric Takabayashi" <etakajp@yahoo.co.jp> wrote in message
> news:41727888.E5AB9CBC@yahoo.co.jp...
> > Okinawans do not seem to believe that either army was gentle with them,
> despite
> > the fact the damage could have been far worse. After all, two thirds of
> the
> > population of the main island remained alive, and 80 percent of the island
> is
> > still available for civilian use. But pouring flaming gasoline or throwing
> > grenades into civilian cave shelters or rape in Okinawa are not recognized
> as war
> > crimes, and many kids in the US go without hearing of it.
> I wasn't aware of widespread rape of Okinawans during the war.

I am not making any claims of "widespread rape" by Americans during the war or
occupation, merely that it happened. I would be as surprised or disturbed as
you to read of allegations of 10,000 rapes or the claim that any woman of the
time knows a victim of rape.

> Do you have sources?

Have you never heard of "Negro Cave"?

 "I'm on top of the world right now, because everyone's going to know that I
can shove more than three burgers in my mouth!"