Michael Cash wrote:

> On Sat, 14 Aug 2004 21:37:46 +0900, Declan Murphy
> <declan_murphy@hotmail.com> brought down from the Mount tablets
> inscribed:
>>Michael Cash wrote:
>>>Right. So society gets to chip in $100 per gram for him to lose
>>>weight. Out of curiosity....What's the price of gold these days?
>>Usually bouncing around in the USD400-430 per ounce range. I always take 
>>great offence if anyone tells me I'm worth my weight in gold.
> So this guys extra fat is worth roughly 7 times more than gold?

In a perfect world I guess. Of course the price of futures is a little 
different, and price of gold shares futures different again. If excess 
fat could be traded for cash (or failing that, at least precious metals) 
I'd be concerned, but if we could sell extra fat on a futures market I 
shudder to think where the incentive to pig out could take us.

> Shit, I'm toting around enough to buy myself a nice home and a new
> Mercedes. And to think I've been struggling along in abject poverty
> all these years when the means of my fiscal salvation was with me all
> the time!

Perhaps you could also sell your body to science? I've seen a few fjlij 
gathering photos, and while I don't know what your body is doing for 
you, I assure you that it isn't doing anything for me. HTH!

"You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on"