On Sat, 14 Aug 2004 00:05:07 +0900, "cc" <cpasuneadresse@spam.com>
brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:

>"Michael Cash" <mikecash@buggerallspammers.com> wrote in message
>> They are real sweethearts, actually. The article indicates that they
>> were instrumental in the man being able to obtain medical care at all.
>Ah, in that case I take off the a*** word for them but not for the hospitals
>that refused the guy. A patient is a patient, no matter the size of the

In this case, the estimated size of the illness was three million
dollars, which neither the patient nor his insurance company will pay.
The hospital is doing the service at a loss.

I know that sounds nice in a way. But when we consider that it is to
treat ONE guy who got himself into the situation and who very probably
won't live long after the treatment anyway.....I can't help but wonder
how many other charity cases could have been treated for the same
amount of money.
>> And the careless use of the word "truck" in that post was my fault. He
>> was transported by a special ambulance.
>My fault. I have commented without being able to see the whole story. So he
>is short and travels in ambulance. Well I hope they can do something to make
>his life easier.
>I sometimes see a girl that lives around year. It's hard to tell the age of
>really huge people, but from the style of clothes and other kids that are
>with her, I'd say she is only 15 or 16. The small model of Japanese girl
>(140 cm)...with the waistline of Konishiki. You'd say she has 4 breasts and
>8 chins. Poor kid, I doubt she can lead a normal life, especially in a
>country like Japan. It's hard to believe you become like that just because
>you like junk food too much. Such people surely have other health problems
>than weight.

I've noticed over the years that the proportion of chunky Japanese
youth is definitely on the rise. Thank/blame McDonalds, according to
your own tastes.


Michael Cash

"I am sorry, Mr. Cash, but we are unable to accept your rap sheet in lieu of
a high school transcript."

                                Dr. Howard Sprague
                                Dean of Admissions
                                Mount Pilot College