Eric Takabayashi wrote:
> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>necoandjeff wrote:
>>>Ryan Ginstrom wrote:
>>>>"Michael Cash" <> wrote in message
>>>>Another weird one -- a couple of weeks ago, a taxi driver pulled up
>>>>and asked me for directions. In Japanese, no less. And he didn't even
>>>>pull around to my wife's window and ask her instead. What the hell is
>>>>Japan coming to, I ask you?
>>>Exactly the same thing happened to me once about 8 years ago. I was walking
>>>by myself at night and a taxi driver pulled over to ask me directions. I
>>>explained where he needed to go and he was on his way.
>>That was riveting. About a month ago, someone asked me, "Could you tell
>>me the time?" I did. He thanked me and then went about his business.
> Sometimes when shopping or loitering, people (usually older) assume that I am an
> employee and ask me about products or where they are, probably because I am the
> only person in sight with a necktie or black hair.

That's happened to me from time to time. For example, if I go to Target
while wearing a red polo shirt. It's also happened to me a few times
while at a convention center of some kind. Maybe I have that look.

- Kevin