Ernest Schaal wrote:
> in article, Declan Murphy at
> wrote on 1/7/05 6:42 PM:

>>I'm glad you spotted that - assuming you spotted it. Originally I
>>intended to write something more keeping with the "I am right, therefore
>>you are wrong" genre Kevin and yourself use so frequently, but I figured
>>it wasn't sufficiently subtle.
> Funny thing, but your comment seems to be based upon a false assumption on
> your part. If you go back to the thread that started our present
> disagreement, 

That thread didn't start "our present disagreement". As far I'm aware, 
apart from my comment that your posts often having a slight Kevinish 
tinge in their tone, we don't have any disagreements.

> I was having a discussion with an anti-American who was ranting about how
> great the British were in WWII and how useless the Americans were when he
> mentioned that he lived in Vancouver. Being gracious (and being truthful), I
> commented that I had visited Vancouver and had liked the place. Being the
> jerk that he was, rather than take the compliment, he badmouthed Vancouver,
> saying that it was not anywhere as good as Vancouver Island, where he lived.
> You then joined in an attack on me, bad mouthing Gifu as being inaka, even
> though you also live in inaka. You then accused me of badmouthing Vancouver
> Island because it is inaka. If you bother to review that thread, you should
> realize that I never did that. I never commented on how bad Vancouver Island
> was, mainly because I am not familiar with that area. Instead, I stood up
> for Vancouver.

I didn't "bad mouth" Gifu, I rather like the place. All I did was 
introduce a bit of reality into the thread
and introduce my theory of the "pointless pissing contest that is the 
pecking order of urbanisation".

Give it a rest.

>>As for my offline persona, well yes I guess I am different offline. In
>>fact I believe I'm the humblest Irish resident in the whole of Hane-cho.
> You might be "humble" but you are clearly bigoted against Americans and that
> bigotry clouds your judgment.

Hmm. I must remind myself to tell my sepponian friends and acquaintances 
that I'm bigoted against them and that our friendships are based 
entirely on my cloudy judgement. Wonder how they will react.

Meanwhile you will be pleased to know that while I was getting 
completely langered with a bloke from the city hall last week, we 
discussed registered gaigins and the origins thereof. As a consequence 
of the results of our discussions, or at least of those matters 
discussed prior to complete langering, I believe I am able to upgrade my 
humbleness. I am now officially *the* humblest Irish registered resident 
in the whole of Okazaki, and I dips my lid to myself accordingly. How 
about that!? Some folks say that I'm egotistical, hell I don't even know 
what that means. Oh Lord it's hard to be humble but I'm doin the best 
that I can.

(I'm also humbly assuming that no Irish people have moved into humble 
Okazaki since the current humble stats were collated).

>>>There are some conveniences that I miss living in Gifu, but we made the
>>>decision to remain there after I retired. Having said that, I am not so
>>>egotistical that my choice of location is the only valid one.
>>Is it the only valid one for you? Happier there than you would be
>>anywhere else?
> I didn't say that, did I? Instead it is another example of your personal
> prejudices clouding your judgment.

Actually if you read my post again, you will see that what I have asked 
is two questions. They are not loaded questions, just questions.

> By the way, judging from previous messages, I don't know if you really were
> trying to be ironic, or if you really do believe that inaka living is the
> only one for intelligent people, or maybe a combination of both.

You are easier to wind up than an alarm clock. I will confirm with Mike 
and Ryan (my seppology 101 instructors), but I believe sepponians say, 
chill out, dude.

Non gratum anus rodentum