cc <> wrote:

> > It's not too complicated to do a little homework, if you really had to.
> > There are a lot of such myths around (including some spread by vegans
> > themselves, would you believe).
> That's what I find complicated. Obviously a bunch of vegans count on
> spiruline and kombu to get that vitamine....and others say it's an
> illusion. The role/assimilation of vitamins is not so well known by
> science.

Yup. Best to be safe and make sure you get a reliable supply of B12. It
still isn't clear whether or not the analogs from non-animal products
are the same. The strict vegans in India and similar countries probably
get their B12 from using human wastes as manure and not being as fussy
as Westerners about washing their vegetables before eating them. (Yes,
humans do create B12, but too late in the digestive process.)

                   Louise Bremner (log at gol dot com)
   If you want a reply by e-mail, don't write to my Yahoo address!