cc <> wrote:

> > "the" B vitamin? Which one? It can't be the one that vegans are most in
> > danger of running short on, because there's none of it in sesame, nor in
> > any other non-animal foodstuff.
> I am not vegan or a chemist. 

So I see. 

> Someone explained me that intaking a normally non-assimilable form of that
> B1 or B2  (?)from sesame and combining it with exposition to the sun made
> the body synthetise the missing vitamin or a substitute.

Looks like you've got confused between vitamins B12 and D? 

> That'd be how certain long term vegans (Tibetan or Korean mountain monks)
> live relatively healthy.

Long-term vegans need more than sesame to stay healthy. I suggest you do
some homework before repeating such dangerous myths.
> Homeless's problem is more about how to survive between two bits of meat. I
> was just saying that to explain you don't necessarily get into a "coma" if
> you lack animal protein intake.
> .

Yes, but proteins are not vitamins (note that healthy adults do not need
much protein, and it doesn't have to be animal protein anyway). 

                   Louise Bremner (log at gol dot com)
   If you want a reply by e-mail, don't write to my Yahoo address!