Re: I've finally figured this puppy out
Drew Hamilton wrote:
> Eric Takabayashi <> wrote:
>>With no regard to nutrition, I believe I could maintain my caloric intake on
>>less than 5,000 yen per month by eating mainly noodles (600g packs of
>>spaghetti) from the 100 yen store.
> "With no regard to nutrition" does not make a valid example.
> Sure, you could maintain your caloric intake that way, but with no
> protein or dietary fat intake, you'd end up with protein deficiency in
> short order. No sense on being able to live on 5,000 yen/month if
> you will go into a coma.
> What's the smallest you could live on and maintain an appropriate
> intake of protein and dietary fat?
Probably not much more than that, unless eggs are ridiculously expensive
in Japan. A dozen eggs costs a buck in the states. Six eggs a day would
go long way to adding enough protein and fat to that mix, and would
reduce your noodle expense correspondingly.
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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