"Raj Feridun" <rferid@NOSPAMyahoo.co.jp> wrote in message
> On Sat, 22 Nov 2003 14:00:48 +0900, "Ryan Ginstrom"
> I made that comment because
> I was bewildered to read that some of the haters in this thread WERE
> in the same mixed marriage boat. I don't think it gives me any special
> insight at all. Like I said I just take folks as individuals and try
> not to stereotype. It's a simple way that's served me well so far.

Like Michael said, there is a glass of water we are given when we first
arrive in Japan. After awhile, that glass of water consists of nothing more
than a few drops of rancid backwash. By that time, getting out of Japan is
not really an option. I'm stuck here until my children are old enough to
understand that daddy hates this place and he isn't leaving because he
doesn't love them. I can't leave because I have children in a mixed marriage
and they will probably do better for themselves in this country than in my
home country.

When they're old enough, I'm outta here.