Kevin Gowen wrote:

> Kevin Wayne Williams wrote:
>> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>> Kevin Wayne Williams wrote:
>>>> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>>> I'm guess you didn't do so hot in the logical reasoning/arguments 
>>>>> section of the LSAT. Er, LLS *does* require the LSAT, doesn't it?
>>>> Actually, I scored in the 95th percentile. Just walked in and took it.
>>> Then why are you going to a shitty night school? A score in the 95th 
>>> percentile should have given you about a 175. You'd have your pick of 
>>> any school you wanted.
>> Yep, all of which would have required me to quit my job in order to go 
>> full time for three years (or relocate and make my wife quit hers), 
>> pay a large tuition bill, and made it impossible for me to keep up the 
>> payments on my home in California. Given that my whole industry tanked 
>> and stayed tanked, causing terminal unemployment for me and my wife, 
>> thus making it impossible to keep up the payments on my home in 
>> California, the distinction has since become moot. I expect to be 
>> shifting gears in a major way in the next couple of months.
> Does that mean you're moving out of state and going to school there?

The house is on the market, so the "moving out of state" part looks 
pretty definite. Re-enrolling in an ABA school is one of several 