Kevin Wayne Williams wrote:
> Ryan Ginstrom wrote:
>> "Brett Robson" <> wrote in message
>> news:cmmmk3$qas$
>>> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>> How is atheism any less based on faith and therefore any less
>> ridiculous?
>>> It's quite cute hearing religious people desperately trying to
>>> equate atheism with religion by using terms such as faith.
>> Actually, I agree that the active disbelief in any sort of deity is 
>> based on
>> faith. It must be faith, unless the negative -- no deity exists -- can be
>> proved. It does not require faith to assume no deity exists as the null
>> hypothesis, but to *believe* this to be the case requires faith.
> What a warped piece of logic. 

How is it warped logic? Indeed, atheism is based on the logical fallacy 
with the fancy Latin name of argumentum ad ignorantiam. Of course, so is 
every other religion.

> I also believe that leprechauns don't 
> throw parties in the refrigerator after I close the door, only to 
> disappear the moment I open it. Does that require faith as well?

Unless the proposition can be proven true or false, it requires faith to 
believe in the positive or the negative.

I'm guess you didn't do so hot in the logical reasoning/arguments 
section of the LSAT. Er, LLS *does* require the LSAT, doesn't it?

"This is the best election night in history."--Democratic National 
Committee chairman Terry McAuliffe, Nov. 2, 2004, just before 8 p.m. EST