Simon wrote:
> "Declan Murphy" <> wrote in message 
>>Simon wrote:
>>>"Declan Murphy" <> wrote in message 
>>>>Simon wrote:

>>>>>It makes no sense to me. I mean, the Americans dropped 2 A bombs on 
>>>>>Japan so why couldn't we drop 1 (only 1) on Ireland. It just makes no 
>>>>Not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you?
>>>Yes, what I said was stupid.......................but you started it!
>>Good grief. You sound like a 4 year old.
> And you sound like an apologist for terrorists, I know which I'd prefer.

Nowhere in any of my posts have I made any sort of statement of support, 
or any apology for the actions of gunmen on either side of the post-1969 
"Troubles". Throughout my postings, I have condemned the violence, both 
by the paramilitaries and authorities. If this makes me sound like an 
apologist for terror, please kindly provide me with a dictionary that 
defines apologist better for me than my current OED.

>>>In my eyes (and the eyes of all right minded people) the Irish terrorists 
>>>are morally bankrupt, this is where you and I differ.
>>Morality! Strewth. March to Drumcree while you are at it lad. I can't and 
>>won't make any claims to be a "right minded person", but I can't see any 
>>"morality" left on either side of the two extremes. The situation has long 
>>been too complicated to be viewed in such black/white terms except by the 
>>most ignorant simpleton or prejudiced fool. If you believe there is a 
>>moral difference between the IRA perpetrators of the deaths of the 2 young 
>>boys in Warrington, and the protestant paramilitaries who burnt to death 3 
>>young catholic boys (aged 8, 9 and 10) in their beds in Ballymoney over 
>>the "right-to-march-the-traditional-route", then I guess I'd prefer to 
>>differ. For me both acts (and many others) were almost unforgivable - and 
>>yet as painful as it is, forgiveness is the only way forward. Granting an 
>>amnesty to a man such as Rusty Spence makes my blood boil, but if there is 
>>to be a just peace there is no alternative.
>>And why do you seem to prefer to limit discussions of moral bankruptcy to 
>>"terrorists"? Where exactly did the authorities display their moral 
>>supremacy in murdering Patrick Finnucane? What exactly, are the moral 
>>benefits of state-sponsored assassinations of innocent lives? Where 
>>exactly, did the British Justice system benefit from having "not to be 
>>seen by the defence" marked on the key file in the innocent Gerry Conlon's 
>>case? Where do the civil liberties of ordinary people benefit from an 
>>unchecked police state that would make the designer of EricWorld blush? 
>>People who talk about morality in the context of NI, are usually people 
>>who have no idea what they are talking about. Either do a bit of reading, 
>>talking and listening, or just go back to the lounge chair and watch match 
>>of the day.
>>If you are incapable of thinking through the likely consequences, the 
>>senseless human toll of continued conflict, which lightweight uninformed 
>>views dredging up meaningless cliches such as "moral bankruptcy" and 
>>suggesting a solution by military force will only encourage, then why 
>>bother with a dialogue at all? Perhaps you could think about the dead kids 
>>before lumbering to your keyboard with kneejerk claptrap? Or if you are 
>>not capable, then as you suggest - we should leave it at that.
> Yes thank you for regurgitating the usual Irish terrorist sympathisers 
> dross.

There is no sympathy in me for any of the gunmen. Pointing out that 
continuation of the conflict is in nobody's interest is hardly "dross". 
Do you actually support continuation of the conflict? Would you like the 
British government to abandon the talks and attempt to destroy the 
nationalists by a military solution?

> Also you seem to have incorrectly assumed my comments weren't aimed at all 
> Irish terrorists.

"It makes no sense to me. I mean, the Americans dropped 2 A bombs on 
Japan so why couldn't we drop 1 (only 1) on Ireland."

Yes, not a lot of aiming there. Quite scatterbrained actually.

Non gratum anus rodentum