Simon wrote:
> "Declan Murphy" <> wrote in message 

>>It is usually forgotten that when the British Army was initially deployed 
>>to NI they were welcomed by the Catholic minority who hoped it would end 
>>violence against their communities and lead to a fairer distribution of 
>>community resources such as the public housing that their taxes were 
>>paying for. Political reform never came. Instead of the problem being 
>>dealt with through pragmatic politics, the army instead became an 
>>instrument of supporting a corrupt police force and unjust system. You 
>>mentioned the attacks on innocents during the conflict - it is also worth 
>>remembering each of the Army/UDR/RUC/RUC(R) members killed as well. 765 
>>service personnel - who instead of being involved in a dirty war should 
>>have been investigating crimes, directing traffic, fulfilling British army 
>>duties in Europe and elsewhere etc. 765 men and women is more than the 
>>total KIA suffered in the Falklands, the (first)Gulf war, Afghanistan and 
>>the Iraq conflict, and every other British deployment in the last 30 years 
>>combined. Another tragic waste of good men.
>>Non gratum anus rodentum
> It makes no sense to me. I mean, the Americans dropped 2 A bombs on Japan so 
> why couldn't we drop 1 (only 1) on Ireland. It just makes no sense? 

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you?

Non gratum anus rodentum