Rykk wrote:

> > So you agree that a once convicted criminal is a criminal (present
> > tense). Yet you trust millions of them a year, more than your own
> > government. Very interesting.
> Sorry, your misunderstanding.  Particularly with this sentence, "So is your
> claim that the US government is a criminal, and less deserving of trust and
> forgiveness or even protection."  I am not arguing the the goverment is less
> deserving of anything.  I am arguing that the goverment does not deserve the
> powers you describe.  Note, the criminals are not given the powers you
> ascribe to the goverment.

Was it you who recently claimed that people had the right to commit crime? In
any case, criminals will and do so.

> So it is not a matter of "more or less" at all.

Criminals on parole living or operating anonymously in your neighborhood
because you would have us trust them (provided they are not sex offenders
somehow caught and convicted three or more times) could certainly have more
power over your life than the government.

 "I'm on top of the world right now, because everyone's going to know that I
can shove more than three burgers in my mouth!"