Rudolf Polzer wrote:

>I don't know him - but can you ask him whether in Canada the book
>"Problem Solving Strategies" by Arthur Engel is used for IMO training?
>It is used in many countries and written by A. E., who still is the main
>IMO trainer in Germany.

I haven't seen him in a while, but if I remember I'll be sure to ask him.

>>I know he's way out of my league as far as math skills go, and I bet
>>you are too.
>And I bet he's better at geometry than me... but that's OK. There are
>many people above me, and that's OK. I'm not like
>Sohryu Asuka Langley...

Yeah, that's one thing Dan told me... there's always someone better than 
you.  However I'm betting that there are less people who are better than 
you than there are people who are better than me :)  That's what scares 
me, though... like, I'm going to pursue a career in mathematics, but I'm 
just afraid that there's no room for people like me who weren't really 
prodigies, and haven't done 4th-year math three years ahead of time.

Are you going to university now?
