Rudolf Polzer wrote:

>Scripsit illa aut ille Richard Liang <>:
>>Rudolf Polzer wrote:
>>>Scripsit illa aut ille Kakarotto <>:
>>>>*Deploys anti thwack sheild.*
>>>Congratulations! It works perfectly against a thwack - at least it
>>>would, if spelt correctly.
>>Maybe this is the wrong time to throw this in, but it's "spelled".
>Not really. According to the American Heritage Dictionary and Webster's
>Revised Unabridged Dictionary, both forms are correct. But there is a
>meaning of "to spell" that only allows "spelled" as past participle and
>simple past. You can look up these dictionary entries at
>So you're right - to be safe, one should always use "spelled" because
>it's always the right form - but I'm right either because "to spell" can
>have the p.p. "spelt" if it has to do with ortography.

Shoot, I have a bone to pick with my Grade 9 English teacher now :)

>No, I don't kill people for finding spelling mistakes in my postings - I
>don't even kill_file_ them. That's because I know my English isn't
>perfect - it's just standard German school English, no more and no less.

Really?  I thought you had been raised an English speaker, as your 
English seems pretty flawless.
