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3712006/09/20is this space active o_O?xtribyx@gmail.com
3702006/08/30Re: Japanese homework: letter from vacations"umut $(D??(Bzkan" <slvumut@hotmail.com>
3692006/08/29Japanese homework: letter from vacations"espritka" <espritka@gmail.com>
3682006/08/25Re: Looking for Japanese / English practice through Skype"Mariko" <maariko@op.pl>
3672006/08/25Domain For Sale: Auction Airsoft .co .ukWebmaster<webmaster@auctionairsoft.co.uk>
3662006/08/23Re: Looking for Japanese / English practice through Skype"dstibbe@gmail.com" <dstibbe@gmail.com>
3642006/08/21Looking for Japanese / English practice through Skype"espritka" <espritka@gmail.com>
3632006/08/20Help with characters on old prints"Steve" <steve@dramanet.info>
3602006/07/19Find Japanese & Foreign e-friends
3592006/06/17Please help me speak to the written symbols : )"jenpatin" <jennifer.patin@fmr.com>
3582006/06/15How To Pick Winning Stocksinfo@stockinvesting.com
3562006/05/28Make frineds with Japanese in Tokyo !"Shibata Yasuyuki" <Seabat88@jcom.home.ne.jp>
3552006/05/21Re: I'm looking for English teacher."Kastor" <kastor.leduc@free.fr>
3542006/05/20I am a Korean guy"littledancer" <popopai69@hotmail.com>
3532006/05/20Re: For Sale: Genki I and II and Learn Japanese I-IVcrjjrc@gmail.com
3522006/05/18Re: For Sale: Genki I and II and Learn Japanese I-IVCraig Welch <craig@pacific.net.sg>
3512006/05/17Re: I'm looking for English teacher.say_cheese_please123@yahoo.co.in
3502006/05/16For Sale: Genki I and II and Learn Japanese I-IVcrjjrc@gmail.com
3492006/05/12I'm looking for English teacher."Mitsu" <doll320jp@yahoo.co.jp>
3482006/05/12HOT TEEN WEB CAM SHOTS FROM MSN MESSENGER"joebob" <yczhhvbw@wcyggtbu.com>
3472006/05/11Re: Japanese (Audio) Word of the DayRay Wells <f00fbug@gmail.com>
3442006/04/14AutomaticBuilder System !! Best of Internet Marketing"OnlineBiz" <ligyes1@yahoo.com>
3432006/04/08$B%$%s%?!<%M%C%H$r;H$C$?F|K\8l3X=,(B"Hiroyuasu Arai" <ttn3xdx22r@mx9.ttcn.ne.jp>
3422006/04/01We need Language Exchange Partners, we can teach you Japanese"Valentin" <poubelle4@hotmail.com>
3412006/04/01Re: Business Level Japanese"rcaetano" <rafael.caetano@gmail.com>
3402006/03/31Re: Business Level JapaneseDavid Chien <chiendh@uci.edu>
3392006/03/30Re: Business Level JapaneseSean <notsean@fake.ca>
3372006/03/30Business Level Japanese"Sharptongue" <sharptongue@ozemail.com.au>
3352006/03/23Re: Japanese (Audio) Word of the Day"Ben Bullock" <benkasminbullock@gmail.com>
3342006/03/22Re: Japanese (Audio) Word of the Day"Dick Moores" <rdmoores@gmail.com>
3332006/03/22Re: Japanese (Audio) Word of the Day"harry" <petarv@gmail.com>
3322006/03/22Re: Japanese (Audio) Word of the Day"harry" <petarv@gmail.com>
3312006/03/22Re: Japanese (Audio) Word of the Daytrap_for_junk_mail@yahoo.com (Louise Bremner)
3302006/03/22Re: Japanese (Audio) Word of the Day"Dick Moores" <rdmoores@gmail.com>
3292006/03/22Re: Japanese (Audio) Word of the Day"harry" <petarv@gmail.com>
3282006/03/22Re: Japanese (Audio) Word of the Day"harry" <petarv@gmail.com>
3272006/03/22Re: Japanese (Audio) Word of the DaySean <notsean@fake.ca>
3262006/03/22Re: Japanese (Audio) Word of the Daytrap_for_junk_mail@yahoo.com (Louise Bremner)
3252006/03/22Re: Japanese (Audio) Word of the Day"Oliver Wong" <owong@castortech.com>
3242006/03/21Re: Japanese (Audio) Word of the Day"nat" <nwic////@wanadoo.fr>
3232006/03/20Re: Japanese (Audio) Word of the Day"Ben Bullock" <benkasminbullock@gmail.com>
3222006/03/20Re: Japanese (Audio) Word of the DaySean <notsean@fake.ca>
3212006/03/20Re: Japanese (Audio) Word of the Daytrap_for_junk_mail@yahoo.com (Louise Bremner)
3202006/03/20Re: Japanese (Audio) Word of the Day"Dick Moores" <rdmoores@gmail.com>
3192006/03/20Re: Japanese (Audio) Word of the Daytrap_for_junk_mail@yahoo.com (Louise Bremner)
3182006/03/20Re: Japanese (Audio) Word of the Day"Ben Bullock" <benkasminbullock@gmail.com>
3172006/03/20Re: Japanese (Audio) Word of the DaySean <notsean@fake.ca>
3162006/03/20Re: Japanese (Audio) Word of the DayBart Mathias <mathias@hawaii.edu>
3152006/03/20Re: Japanese (Audio) Word of the Daytrap_for_junk_mail@yahoo.com (Louise Bremner)
3142006/03/20Japanese (Audio) Word of the Day"harry" <petarv@gmail.com>

Fnews-list 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <mwe@ccsf.jp>
GnuPG Key ID = ECC8A735
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