On 3/19/06 7:18 PM, in article dvl6tr$pm2$1@ml.accsnet.ne.jp, "Ben Bullock"
<benkasminbullock@gmail.com> wrote:

> "Sean" <notsean@fake.ca> wrote in message
> news:C0435CAE.8D1E%notsean@fake.ca...
>> On 3/19/06 6:56 PM, in article 6RoTf.1903$Vx4.1501@trnddc06, "Bart
>> Mathias"
>> <mathias@hawaii.edu> wrote:
>>> Louise Bremner wrote:
>>>> harry <petarv@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> I have just started a free **audio** word-of-the-day page for Japanese
>>>>> (and Chinese & Korean):
>>>>>   http://www.hitsalive.com/wordoftheday
>>>>> Hope it is useful.
>>>> Watching the spinning icons is hypnotic, but not really useful, I'm
>>>> afraid.
>>> Spinning?  All I got was three dead icons that were supposed to relate
>>> to some file:  "The requested URL /japanese_wotd//pngs/a47796i was not
>>> found on this server."
>>> Bart
>> Gee, Bart. Maybe it's time to trade in the steam-powered difference engine
>> and get one of them new-fangled computing machines.
> When I tried to "view image" for what the word was, I got the same message
> as Bart did.

Whoops. I withdraw my teasing. (But my moldy old Mac showed the images well