"Rudolf Polzer" <AntiATField_adsgohere@durchnull.de> wrote:
> Scripsit ille Zeruel333 The Hentai One <zeruel333@aol.comanimefan>:
> > >Scripsit ille Zeruel333 The Hentai One <zeruel333@aol.comanimefan>:
> > >[...]
> > >> No shielding can possibly protect from a black hole!
> > >
> > >*watching your black hole sinking into a Dirac sea*
> >
> > that's impossible; black holes cannot be sucked into a dirac sea
> Did you try?
> According to current theories, you're right. But: look at Newton, look
> at Einstein. They all were wrong and physics behaved only
> "approximately" as they predicted. So why should the current physical
> model be right? From time to time, we get better approximations. But
> we'll never understand physics completely.

As all genius has been proven wrong before we could say that you could
also be wrong. It is concievable that we will one day get an accurate
model of the laws of physics.
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