Sergey Karavashkin: 
 > (Bilge) wrote in message news:<>...
 >> Sergey Karavashkin: 
 >>  >
 >>  >No smokescreen. I have presented just the proof.
 >>   Then write down the scalar function \Phi for which you assert
 >> the relation, \nabla x (\nabla\Phi) = 0 does not hold. Don't
 >> give me a bunch of interpretational mumbo-jumbo, just write
 >> the scalar function.
 >>  >Determine the circulation of vector in my diagram and after this state
 >>  >curl(grad(phi)) = 0 identically.
 >>   Write down the function \phi. I'm not going to sort through whatever
 >> contortions you've gone through to get the wrong answer the hard way.
 >> Just give me the function.
 >>  >Still I see the smokescreen from your
 >>  >side, but the wing is from mine - this is why you are suffocating with
 >>  >your own smokescreen. Until you understand it, this will irritate your
 >>  >eyes. Your, not mine. ;-)
 >>   Write down the scalar function. Don't add any of your personal
 >> interpretations or try to ``explain'' how I have to calculate
 >> something to get your answer. Just give me a scalar function.
 >> I can take a gradient and curl.
 >First, this what interests you will be in our next paper which we will
 >publish soon. Second, with such interest to Andrew and his attempts to
 >join non-joinable, this question is seemingly to him. Third, it is
 >strange for me to respond to a person who in the neighbouring post
 >addmits all what I'm saying, but in the posts to me denies everything
 >what I'm saying.
  Just post the scalar function for which you think the curl of
its gradient in not zero. You don't need an article just to write
down a function.