In article <UF1Ia.292$>, says...
>"Kay" <> wrote in message

>> >> "Wae" is not a derogatory term. It is the name that Japanese gave
>> >themselves
>> >> and that Koreans have historically referred to Japan. If used with 
>> >om"
>> >> then *that* is derogatory.
>> >>
>> >
>> >According to Supertech himself, it is a deragatopry term meaning "mid
>> >s".
>> If I reacall you think Supertech is a nutcase.
>NO, another Korean poster called him a nutcase.
>> How come you take his definition without
>> questioning?  History is my thing and I concur
>> with Austin that Wae has never been a derogatory
>> word.  Japan used to be called Wae.  It is a
>> generic name for Japan for centuries as Korea
>> is a generic name for Chosun, The Republic of
>> Korea, The Peoples Republic of Korea, Koryo, etc.
>> He is also right that only when "nom" is attached
>> to Wae, it becomes derogatory.  In the same way,
>> Chosun is not a derogatory term; in fact it has
>> a beautiful meaning, "Morning freshness."  Yet,
>> "sun" is separated from Chosun and "jin" is added,
>> and used derogatively, it becomes a derogatory
>> word.
>What??? Jin means "people" right? So how does 
>that make it deragatory?
>What does "nom" mean??

Are you bating or asking a serious question?
I will, for the moment, assume you are serious.
Besides, I want to find out whether you have the
capacity to reason based on knowledge or just
rant based on ignorance.

"Jin" is Japanese pronunciation of a chinese 
character for a person.  Koreans pronounce it
"In."  Therefore "Chosen Jin" means a Korean person.
As such, it means just that, no derogatory meaning
what-so-ever.  Chosen-jin later contracted to senjin,
again not a derogatory word as yet.  As time passed
and Koreans were treated as sub-human, this word
has degenerated into a derogatory word.  It's like
in America, "Negro" really was not a derogatory word. defines negro as:

1. A Black person. 
2. A member of the Negroid race. Not in scientific use. 

Nothing derogatory about it, is it?

Only when the rednecks started using the word,
and its derivative, nigger, the word became

It's like if people start using USA as derogatory, 
it becomes derogatory.

"nom" is defined as

a fellow; 
a chap; 
a creature; 
a guy ;
a bloke;

As such, it is derogatory if used derogatory.
It is neutral if used as such.
It can also be used affectionately used as "guy"
can, such as "I love this guy."

However, when used in the context of "wae-nom,"
it becomes derogatory.

American, for instance, can be "mikook in," meaning
an American person or simply an American; very neutral.
Yet, "mikook-nom" is mildly derogatory, although 
literal translation is an American guy.

>> Same here and I pointed it out earlier too.  The fact
>> is Koreans never concuored Europe, period.  Just
>> everybody knows that, and you harangue about it
>> whenever you have an opportunity, only based on
>> Supertech's alleged claim.  Don't you feel kind
>> of foolish listening to someone you don't even
>> respect, someone you feel is a nutcase, and
>> generalize it to the entire 60 million Koreans?
>> Don't you think it is about time you apologize
>> to 59,999,999 Koreans?
>HAHAHA..oh first you speak for All Americans.
>And now you speak for ALL KOREANS???
>Who do you think you are?
>> Do I expect an apology or another foul-mouthed spin?
>Yes, you are a fucking retard and a RACIST.
>And today especially you are a pompous ass.

Will you ever learn to be decent?