In article <HAjHa.1342$>, says...
>"min10011" <> wrote in message
>> That is so true.  Matsuda's selective documentation is as specious as 
>> ones that the PRC produces to declare that more than 30 million Chines
>> during the Japanese occupation.  He has conjured up a little fantasy t
>> Japan had committed no wrong and indeed had noble intentions.  The idi
>> likes of buy into the fantasy until they hear that the att
>> Pearl Harbor was a justified "pre-emptive" strike.
>This is what we call an UNPROVOKED ATTACK...
>What is up YOUR ass you fucking moron?
>What fantasy????? I haven't agreed with a thing that Matsuda has said.
>When have I EVER denied or supported Japanese Military atrocities during
>You obviously have NO IDEA what you are talking about, merely attackling
> me
>because of your RACIST KOREAN attutude towards Americans.

I believe he is attacking your racist attitude,
not the other way around.  You don't have to
be so obnoxious all the time.  It does not
hurt you to be more objective once in a while
instead of ranting your racial prejudice.
Does an "ugly American" ring your bell?