In article <tstHa.674$>, says...
>"Kay" <> wrote in message
>> In article <m6sHa.256$>, says..

>> >"Kay" <> wrote in message
>> >news:cBrHa.50$
>> >> In article <HAjHa.1342$>, s
>> >> >because of your RACIST KOREAN attutude towards Americans.
>> >>
>> >> I believe he is attacking your racist attitude,
>> >> not the other way around.  You don't have to
>> >> be so obnoxious all the time.  It does not
>> >> hurt you to be more objective once in a while
>> >> instead of ranting your racial prejudice.
>> >> Does an "ugly American" ring your bell?

>> >Are you completely psychotic Kay?
>> >I never said anything about Japan and this idiot says:
>> >"The idiotic likes of buy into the fantasy until they hea
>r t
>> >hat
>> >the
>> >attack on Pearl Harbor was a justified "pre-emptive" strike."

>> As they say, "if it quacks like a duck and
>> walks like a duck, it must be a duck."
>> So far, this is what I have seen of you in sck.
>> 1) Koreans are OK as long as they agree with you.
>Anybody is OK with me if they agree with me. They don't have to be Korea
>> 2) If I disagree with you, I am an anti-American.
>Wrong... if you defend Enemies of the United States 
>you are anti-american while attacking the United States, 
>that's anti-American.  That''s you Kay.

Even if the US is wrong?  In other words, "America
ueber alles?"

You may believe, "America, right or wrong."  You
probably don't know that the original quote was;
"America, right or wrong.  If right, keep it right.
If wrong, make it right."

Following your country blindedly is what caused
Hitler's Germany.  But then, Hitler is your hero, so
it may be OK for you but not for me.

>> 3) Koreans are inferior race, compared to
>> Americans and Japanese.
>That was said as a direct counter to the RACIST 
>PSYCHOTIC SUPERTECH who claims that Koreans 
>are superior to Americans, Chinese and Japanese. Not to other

You are lying again.  You told me that too.  I don't remember
exact quote but you said something like Koreans are racists
and Japanese aren't.  The fact is I have met Korean racist, 
Japanese racists, American racists (not just you but others
who are actually worse), and Chinese racists.  Singling out
one nation/one race is a sure sign of racism.

>Even other Korean-American posters know what a racist psycho he is.
>He is the one who calls Japanese "japs" and "wae" consistently. He is su
>ch aracial supremacist that he believes that Koreans conquored Europe in 600 

If he said it, I have to say he is wrong.  However, I am not
going to believe you without checking since lying seems to
be your way of life.

>> 4) If some non_USA born person says something you
>> disagree with you, s/he acts like one just off a "banana boat."
>Only if that person claims to "BE MORE AMERICAN" or 
>than someone else. To claim such a thing is indicative of being 
>an FOB.

What if that is true?  I know I have done more for the US than you.
So, what do you do?  You sit in front of a tube all day long,
yakking away, making some infantile remarks giving 
America a bad name.  Ask Koreans on this board how they
feel about America if the majority of Americans are like you.
Find out the answer and tell me how much you have done
for your country.  You are a disgrace to America and humanity.

That is not patriotism; that is an act of a scoundrel.

>> 5) If a naturalized citizen says something critical of the US, you say
>s/he should go back to where s/he
>> came from.

>You are a Naturalized citizen right Kay? Did you 
>not take a SWORN OATH to uphold the laws of the United States
>United States should you be called upon?

I took an oath and I have not violated it.  Never.  They
have not called me to serve, and therefore, I have not
violated it either.


I have no allegiance to any foreign government, let alone
any other foreign government.  That I disagree with you
about North Korea starving their own people is not 
my allegiance to NK; it is stopping unnecessary lie just
to start a war.   Objecting your spreading a ridiculous
rumor that North Koreans are eating their own 
children is not my allegiance to NK.  I was pointing
out your insensitivity to human decency.

>> However, if a US-born citizen does that, s/he is
>> a dirty liberal.
>> I have met many rednecks and racists in the States.
>> They all talk like that, so I assumed it applied to
>> anyone.

It seems it bothers you when I call you a racist.
There is a very good remedy for that.

If you don't quacks like a duck and walk like a duck,
nobody will call you a duck.

Quite simple, and even you can do that.